
Showing posts from December, 2017

Story Board


Ancillary Task

For the Ancillary task, I have chosen to make a Digipak. At first, I wasn't sure what a digipak was, so I looked into it and found out that it is "a type of packaging for CDs or DVDs, typically made from cardboard with an internal plastic holder for one or more discs." This interested me, because I did media studies at GCSE and already have some experience with creating this type of print media (i.e. a CD cover and a tour poster), and I would like to develop these skills more and build upon what I already know. The two artists I am going to focus on for my research are Lana Del Rey and Lorde, as these are our two musical influences for the music video and the persona of the artist in the video. Although I am the artist in the music video, I plan to get around any issues by using a timer for my camera and a tripod, this way it is still original photography but I can be consistent with the music video.  

Updated Idea on Artists

Initially, out group planned on having our artist feature in the music video. However, we had some problems with schedules and filming with our artist, so we looked into alternatives. Looking back at the research that we conducted into the indie genre, we found that often when the artist is lip syncing or in a music video with a narrative they do not feature in their own music video narrative but rather as an outside perspective. Therefore, we have decided to have another person be the artist, while we get different actors to star in the video narrative. I volunteered to be in this part of the video because it will be easier to organise, and therefore will be doing most of the filming for the narrative as I will be unable to film the live performance.

Initial Ideas on Narrative


Live Performance

LOCATION: We plan to film our lip syncing portion of the video at the top of a car park near our house. We chose this location because it is always empty, the lighting will be interesting (as we are also planning to do it around 4pm, at sunset) and it is high enough that Manchester is visible from the top, where we will be filming. We wanted to film somewhere empty and quiet to give a similar eerie feeling that Lorde achieves in her own live performance video with candles and dark lighting.