Analysis of Lana Del Rey's 'National Anthem' Music Video/Lyrics

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The music video opens with a wideshot zoom out of Lana and A$AP Rocky living the American Dream. This correlates to the title of the song National Anthem and sets the scene for a patriotic music video. Lana Del Rey plays both Marilyn Monroe and Jackie O in the music with A$AP playing JFK.

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The next shot is a wide shot of Lana. The setting and costume create a feeling of 60s opulence and Hollywood glamour. The costume is the first indication that it is set in the 60s. The semiotic code of the lion rug is that Lana is a predator or is dangerous. It is also a display of wealth.The low-key lighting in the room connotes her sadness, which is presumably because her 'husband' is not with her. Throughout the video, the shots use high-key lighting and she wears pale or white colours to connote her happiness. However, when A$AP Rocky is no longer present, the low-key lighting returns and the blue of her clothing connotes her sadness. Her presentation here represents women as successful as the audience can infer that she has a lot of money. The lyrics 'money is the anthem of success/so before we go out, what's your address?' imply, somewhat cynically, that money is the most important thing in American society, and as an address is indicative of both social status and wealth, she suggests that she will only consider going out with rich men in her pursuit of the American Dream.

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Next is a two shot medium close up of Lana and A$AP about to kiss. This is reinforced by the lyrics 'I'm your national anthem/God, you're so handsome' as it shows the seemingly deep love that she has for her husband. However, the next line 'take me to the Hamptons, Bugatti Veyron' undermines this idea, and shows how just as the national anthem is representative of her country, materialism has become the national anthem for her lover. The Hamptons is also rumoured to be the location that JFK took Marilyn Monroe during their affair. So, whilst the video has connotations of opulence and leading a perfect life, the lyrics show the darker side of the American Dream. Similarly, the lyrics 'holding me for ransom' suggest that now that she is used to living with money, she can't return to her old life, hence the money holding her for ransom rather than the man. The lighting is sunset, golden lighting with a golden halo because it is backlit, implying her life is idyllic and wonderful, and the framing of the shot (the fact that it is very tight and forces them closely together) shows the closeness of the two people. This is a positive representation of black men as it shows that they are successful and wealthy, and challenges stereotypes.

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Here, Lana shows that the man has all the power in the relationship, which is demonstarted by the two-shot above. She is placed slightly to the right of the frame while the man in in the centre, representing her as less important. There is a lot of alcohol present in the mise-en-scene, both in the background and in A$AP's hand. This again alludes to their dangerous lifetyle mentioned in the lyrics. The costume is important because it highlights the prominence of Lana and A$AP who wear white in contrast to all the men around them, who wear black. This could semiotically connote that these men are leading them astray, as the connotations of black are of badness and evil, versus the connotations of the white and pale colours that the main characters are wearing, connoting goodness. This is a negative representation of women as they are objectified here and it portrays women as things to be looked at and enjoyed by men. The representation of black men here is also negative as it plays into stereotypes of being involved in what is considered to be amoral behaviour (drinking, gambling, etc.).  The lyrics 'He says to be cool, but I don't know how yet' shows her unfamiliarity with this lifestyle at the beginning of the relationship, which develops over the course of the song. She follows his orders, and in the video we see her lighting his cigarette and dancing for him, reinforcing the lyrics. Furthermore, the lyrics 'Tell me I'm your national anthem/booyah baby, bow down' (a phrase she returns to each chorus) shows how dependent she has become on him, and how she 'bows down' to his money. The lyrics 'I said can we party later on? / he said yes, yes yes' agiain shows how the man holds all of the power in the relationship, she has to ask him for permission before acting.

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The lyrics here, 'money is the reason we exist/ everybody knows it it's a fact/ kiss kiss' again show the capitalist society of America, and the way that everything revolves around the acquisition of money. The 'kiss kiss', in time with the kiss pictured above', perhaps implies that she only ever kisses her husband for a price. The music video cuts between performance and shots like the one pictured above, as well as some shots that look amateur to convey the idea of a home movie. The scenes taking place are family-orientated, such as what is presumably her daughter's birthday party and family picnics. This contrasts with the lyrics to show the facade of American happiness and the fact that perhaps not everything is as it seems. The mise-en-scene of this shot again connotes their wealth, and the return of yellow-ish natural lighting again brings back the idea that their life is idyllic and perfect.

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In this deep focus head and shoulders shot, Lana sits in a field of roses (perhaps the field next to the site of JFK's assassination as she is dressed like Jackie O here) singing to her song. She looks directly into the camera provocatively, reinforcing the somewhat sexual lyrics. The lyrics 'I sing the national anthem/while I'm standing over your body hold you like a python' imply that, like a predator she has lured this man in with her beauty to use his wealth. Another interpretation of this is that she has 'tamed' the python, or in this case A$AP, and can now control him. The shift in tone from the first verse shows that she has now adapted to this lifestyle and that there has been a power shift.
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The lyrics here 'and you can't keep your hands off / me or your pants on, see what you've done to me' again show that although Lana may have a lot of power over her lover now, who is completely infatuated with her, she has been forever changed by the pursuit of money, and although she perhaps recognises that this is a bad thing with 'see what you've done to me', she can't (or won't) stop. The song is paired with the visuals above, which show Lana looking disinterested with her new life and her husband, perhaps showing the cracks beginning to form in their relationship. There are also very rapid close ups of A$AP/JFK using a rotary phone, perhaps alluding to his affair with Marilyn, or the phone call that is rumoured to have driven her to suicide in 1962. However, this is quickly contrasted by midshots of Lana (Jackie O) laughing and talking. The next lyrics 'king of chevron' could refer to either a chevron as in a military rank, implying that, as he is the king, he has a lot of power and is high ranking. This would make sense, as the president is also quite highly regarded in the military. However, it could also refer to the oil company Chevron, perhaps suggesting that money rules America, and whoever controls the money is effectively the king. This would make sense, as it ties in with the lyrics 'bow down' in the chorus.
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The lyrics 'he said to be cool but / I'm already coolest' show the arrogance that Lana has developed over the course of the relationship, contrasting with the lyrics in the first verse, and has overcome her tentativeness around society's elite, because she is ow one of them.  They lyrics that follow, 'I said to get real/ don't you know who you're dealing with? / Um, do you think you'll buy me lots of diamonds?' again show her arrogance and the  person that she has become. She no longer cares about people or relationships as she has been consumed by materialism. The video, showing shots of her buttering toast adorned in diamonds and pearls, sitting in a rose field and paying little attention to her lover as this plays, again reinforces the idea that she is only in the relationship for the money rather than love.
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'It's a love story for the new age, for the sixth page' alludes to the sixth page of tabloid magazines, the place where celebrity gossip is often written. This could also link to Kennedy and Monroe's romance, which was the talk of the nation at the time. 'We're on a quick, sick rampage / wining and dining, drinking and driving, / excessive buying' refers to the lifestyle she leads, her seemingly never ending supply of money allows her to 'rampage' with no consequences, indulge in expensive food, alcohol, parties and even drugs. Their constant partying conceals their true unhappiness because they live in a world without relationships or legitimate connections with other people. It’s about immediate gratification, fun, and constant first impressions. The line 'drinking and driving' particularly demonstrates this idea, as it shows the little respect they have for life as there is no real reason to live. The visuals in the music video are very quick close ups and amateur home movie footage (a montage) of her and A$AP spending time together, time with their family cut into lots of quick shots of parties, dancing, smoking and drinking. There is even a shot of another woman who isn't Lana (unusual for a video in which she plays both the mistress and the wife, and is the only woman), perhaps again implying JFK's infidelity. 

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'Overdose and dying/ don our drugs and our love and our dreams and our rage' references the dangers of having so much. It is easy to become bored and turn to drugs, or buy them just because you can-- the rich have no real consequences because money can solve practically anything-- except death. The next line 'blurring the lines between real and the fake' perhaps references her persona of Lana Del Rey whilst the real Lana, also known as Elizabeth, fades away underneath. She melts into her persona and loses her true identity in the process. This could also reference the inability to differentiate what is real and what is pretend in terms of her feelings for her husband, and what is real/not real in her life that she presents as perfect but is darker underneath. The visuals show a two shot of Lana and A$AP with golden sunset lighting and happy facial expressions, seeming peaceful and displaying a very loving and happy family-- however the lyrics suggest otherwise, and this conveys the main message of the song. The next lyrics 'dark and lonely/I need somebody to hold me' contrast with the image shown on screen, as she is being held by her husband. However, this suggests that she feels alone even when she is with others, because the money and her lifestyle has completely isolated her. Her material possessions no longer provide any comfort to her, and she craves human connection.
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The lyrics 'he will do very well / I can tell, I can tell' show her arrogance that has come with her money, and the way she refers to this man shows that she feels as though she can have anything she desires by simply asking. 'Keep me safe/ In his Bell Tower Hotel' may refer to the Marilyn Monroe film Niagara, in which she is strangled in the bell tower apartment at the end. This perhaps shows the danger that Lana is in, but the implications of 'keep me safe' shows that she feels as though she needs protection from a man. 

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'Money is the anthem of success / so put on mascara, and your party dress' shows how Lana hides behind the partying and fast-paced lifestyle to hide her loneliness. She realises that success doesn't mean happiness now, but at this point it is too late to turn back. The visuals show her sad facial expression as it returns to the shots of her sitting on the lion rug. 'I'm your national anthem/ boy put your hands up/give me a standing ovation' shows that Lana has the perfect life in of American society. She asks for applause because she feels successful, despite the fact that she didn't work for her money. 'Boy you have landed / babe in the land of / sweetness and danger / queen of Saigon' is a reference to the play Miss Saigon, set during the Vietnam war. It is representative of danger and perhaps her disregard for it. 

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Image result for lana del rey national anthem video

The song ends with shots of the day of JFK's assassination. Above is a comparison of the two events, the right being Lana's interpretation and the Left being actual images taken that day. The shot is from the trees, possibly from the shooter's perspective, and we realise with what is about to happen. The lyrics 'money is the anthem/God you're so handsome/Money is the anthem of success' demonstrate their entire relationship: Lana flatters her lover only when she wants or needs money. There is no true love or admiration there. 

Watch the full video below (song begins at 01:44):

From completing this task I learned the conventions of the indie genre in order to begin to develop my ideas from the music video. I will be taking inspiration from certain aspects of this. 
